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Weed Star - Clear Glass Inline Perc Vapor Bubbler
Weed Star - Clear Glass Inline Perc Vapor Bubbler
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Weed Star - Clear Glass Inline Perc Vapor Bubbler

If you've been wanting to try a handheld glass bubbler for smoking BHO (butane honey oil) and other concentrates, but aren't ready to spend big bucks on a high-end piece, Weed Star is here for you, man! Just over nine inches tall and weighing just under one pound (without water), this vapor bubbler makes a manageable little intro to smoking concentrates. The 18.8mm glass-on-glass male joint comes equipped with a clear glass top load vapor dome and a glass concentrate nail (head diameter: 13mm; length from joint stoppers to tip: 44mm). The slitted inline perc will break up your toke into luscious bubbles for smoother smoke, and the multiple marias not only add decoration but ensure a safer grip. When you're ready to trade up, try getting a quartz or titanium concentrate nail, or a headie vapor dome! You might own a huge kick-ass oil rig one day but you'll never forget the little portable Weed Star Vapor Bubbler that got you started!
68.03 €
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