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Psychedelische producten
162 Items
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Euphori-E ( U4e ) ist eine neuer Mix von Inhaltsstoffen, die Dir ein besonderes Glücksgefühl verleihen; die ganze Nacht gehört Dir mit Euphori-E ! Probier es gleich aus und Du w...
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9.33 €
The Euphori-E (U4E) is a blend of ingredients that will give you a special and happy sensation. You will have all night and more with Euphori-E. Give it a try and you will see what...
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9.16 €
Fenix Black
EffectenDe effecten van kratom zijn al binnen 5 tot 10 minuten duidelijk merkbaar en duren gemiddeld 6 uur. De voornaamste effecten kunnen worden omschreven als: dromerigheid, ge...
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17.07 €
Fenix Black - Liquid Bali Kratom Extract - 10ml
Fenix Black - Liquid Bali Kratom Extract - 10mlGrasscity now offers this tincture made of Bali kratom leaves. Fenix Black is a 2:1 tincture made of leaves (14,9% alc.). The bottle ...
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18.01 €
Final E
Final E is the latest creation from the herbal magicians of Smartlab and is doubtlessly a revolution. The secret of this Next Generation herbal lies in the cunning combination of p...
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15.69 €
Flower Power
Flower Power is a herbal energizer that makes you want to dance and party all night long. Based on only natural ingredients, Flower Power gives you a happy energy boost, that helps...
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14.52 €
Flower Power caps
Flower Power is a herbal energizer that makes you want to dance and party all night long. Based on only natural ingredients, Flower Power gives you a happy energy boost, that helps...
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16.85 €
Fo Ti Tien (Gotu kola)
Fo ti tien werkt ontspannend en verhoogt de vitaliteit, bovendien wordt beweerd dat het de potentie verhoogt. Effecten: Fo ti tien is een tonicum, dit houdt in dat de werking pa...
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11.56 €
Galangal is related to ginger. It has a strong taste which is somewhat like clove. Galangal has medicinal applications. It is also used as a hallucinogen and as a taste enhancer. ...
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8.72 €
Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo biloba is a unique tree with no closely related species. It is one of the best known examples of a 'living fossil'. Because of its survivability the Ginkgo tree is believed ...
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8.72 €
1... 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ...17 >
Psychedelische producten
162 Items
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